My mother always told me that her biggest fear was that I would grow to have boobs like my fathers side of the family. Her fears were confirmed when I began to develop at the tender age of 6. I am not lying. She took me to the doctor because she thought it could be breast cancer(my mom is quite a drama queen). I remember him touching my chest and saying "Oh, they're just breast". By the age of eight I was already in big girl bras, a size 34 B. Not too long after I shot to 36 C. I stayed at that size for some time. 36 C might not seem that big, but I was a petite little lady. That all changed my first year in college. Most of my freshmen pounds were deposited directly into my boobs. Most girls would have been overjoyed, but this meant that I wouldn't stand a chance wearing some of the cute little tops that my counterparts were wearing. I couldn't wear anything that would not allow me to to wear a bra. If I tried to be cute without one in a tube top I might just end up with the tube top around my belly. That might be fun for some people but definately not me! These boobs have stayed growing over the years pushing me into the double letters, and you dont even want to know what number.
I'm good with dealing with them, but I've got some complaints. First, my back always hurts. ALWAYS! Second, I always have a touch time fitting them into things. My arms, shoulders, and stomach might fit into a shirt but definately NOT my boobs. It always looks like Im busting out of shirts. I cant do buttons for fear one might pop off and strike someone in the eye. Lastly, they incite me to violence. Whenever I catch someone looking at them or making an obscene comment I fly off the handle. I can't help it. Just because they are large DOES NOT give someone permission to belittle me. A lot of guys think that they can say whatever they want about a woman's body and she should take it as a compliment. I do not find it flattering. Flattery would be commenting on my witty personality, or my amazing conversation skills, not the niceness of my tits. They are a part of my body, just like eyes, and I resent them being objectified.
This is not a post about me hating my boobs. Because honestly I love them. They are amazing and they are a part of me. We just run into these issues every now and again. I'm sure many women know about this love/hate relationship with boobs. The hate part comes out of frustration or agitation. All in all I could not live without them. Big, supple, soft, amazing my boobs!
Iced White Chocolate Mocha
5 days ago
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