Why is it that people who work customer service have the nastiest attitudes? I just wanted to pay my utility bill at the city's public service building. I went in, upon seeing a room full of people I went up to the information desk and simply asked if I had to take a number to pay a bill. The lady at the desk had to take a break from her conversation with her coworker to answer me. She told me I needed to go to the back of the room. When I got to the back I asked a lady that was standing back there if that was where I go to get a number. She mumbled something inaudible. I finally just went up the the counter for payment services and got serviced right away. Maybe I was unclear about my intentions when I approached the desk or maybe she was just an idiot. I'm betting on the latter. People in customer service need to realize that no one cares that you hate your job. If its that serious just quit! Or they can wait until they get enough complaints to get them fired. I'm over it!
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