One thing I can not stand about going into public restrooms is going in when someone is currently using it. I do not like to use the bathroom directly after someone so I usually go into the stall without the running toilet. Today I went into the bathroom at work. It's usually empty so I thought I would be safe for a quick tinkle-wash-&-go. To my surprise there was an older lady in there already. She seemed to be just standing in the mirror. There are only 2 stalls in the bathroom and she happened to be standing right in front(blocking) the one closest to the door. I had no choice but to go into the one with the flowing toilet. As soon as I stepped in I could smell the scent of umm...usage? I nearly gagged. As quick I could jump out of there I did. I was going to go into the other stall but she went in quicker than I could get out. It must have been a sight to see, me trying to maneuver my way around this little old lady. In the end I had to use the stinky stall. I pulled my shirt over my nose and rushed through my task. I think I might just start traveling with a small can of air freshener just for moments like those.
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