I am honestly sick of seeing displays of youth violence like this. If you do a search on Youtube you could find hundreds of videos like this. It is absolutely appalling. On the one hand, the person that captured the video should be chastised for it because instead of calling authorities they chose to stand around and watch. They didn't even give the tape to police. The took it to the news station, which then turned it over to police. On the other hand if they had not filmed the melee authorities probably would have never caught the assailants. The Young man that was jumped by the group and left on the ground later died. He wasn't even involved in the scuffle. Three teenagers were charged with his murder. They are all under the age of 20 and there lives are over just like that.
I have witnessed many a brawl in my years. Although I don't find them the least bit interesting, many of my peers do. They stand around shouting, excited, fueling the violence. Once authorities show up they disperse as if nothing had ever happened. No one makes any attempt to notify authorities of the situation or even to see if the victim was alright. Its funny my coworker and I were just having a conversation today about middle school beef. Beef that's so old no one currently in the school knows why they don't like the other school, but they just don't. This is perfect example.
It really is a shame how much disregard todays youth have for human life. It could have been any one of the bystanders that were standing around that lost their lives. Whatever happened to love thy neighbor or the golden rule. Its golden for a reason. I think it is now up to that community to stop the nonsense. How many innocent children have to lose their lives to violence before it is recognized as a problem?
I just get so sad to see young kids in this type of situation. Throwing their lives away trying to prove how tough they are. But I'm not even sorry for them. It doesn't take a genius to know that stepping on someones head isn't a good idea, or beating someone upside the head with a 2x4. Hopefully the rest of the brawlers will get caught and face the appropriate consequences.
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