I am honestly sick of seeing displays of youth violence like this. If you do a search on Youtube you could find hundreds of videos like this. It is absolutely appalling. On the one hand, the person that captured the video should be chastised for it because instead of calling authorities they chose to stand around and watch. They didn't even give the tape to police. The took it to the news station, which then turned it over to police. On the other hand if they had not filmed the melee authorities probably would have never caught the assailants. The Young man that was jumped by the group and left on the ground later died. He wasn't even involved in the scuffle. Three teenagers were charged with his murder. They are all under the age of 20 and there lives are over just like that.
I have witnessed many a brawl in my years. Although I don't find them the least bit interesting, many of my peers do. They stand around shouting, excited, fueling the violence. Once authorities show up they disperse as if nothing had ever happened. No one makes any attempt to notify authorities of the situation or even to see if the victim was alright. Its funny my coworker and I were just having a conversation today about middle school beef. Beef that's so old no one currently in the school knows why they don't like the other school, but they just don't. This is perfect example.
It really is a shame how much disregard todays youth have for human life. It could have been any one of the bystanders that were standing around that lost their lives. Whatever happened to love thy neighbor or the golden rule. Its golden for a reason. I think it is now up to that community to stop the nonsense. How many innocent children have to lose their lives to violence before it is recognized as a problem?
I just get so sad to see young kids in this type of situation. Throwing their lives away trying to prove how tough they are. But I'm not even sorry for them. It doesn't take a genius to know that stepping on someones head isn't a good idea, or beating someone upside the head with a 2x4. Hopefully the rest of the brawlers will get caught and face the appropriate consequences.
I saw a clip of this couple on the Today Show earlier this week. I think this is one of the most tragic things that could happen to a family. All they wanted was to have a baby, which they will but they have to give it up. I would lose my mind! Aren't medical facilities supposed make sure mistakes such as this don't happen? Thank goodness it was just a baby and not the wrong blood or medicine. This couple should be commended for what they are doing. Another couple might take the situation into court and fight for the right to the child. God Bless the kind-hearted.
The truth is that I have been on the path of changing my life this past year. I haven't been very dilligent in my efforts. I take long periods off, eat crap most of the time, and sometimes I drink like a fish! I feel guilty when I do these things because I know that the power to change is within me. Since I got sick a couple of weeks ago I have played around in the gym. My shoes are the only thing that motivate me. They are cute and blu & white! With the new season of Biggest Loser airing I'm feeling sincere shame. I am only a couple Whopper Jrs. away from seriously needing to be featured on the show. It actually scares me. I couldn't take not being able to live the quality of life that I enjoy. I fear that I will never hear the end of my mother's complaints about my weight. That in itself is enough to drive me crazy.
But as of last week I have lost that zest for the run. I blame my Ipod shuffle. It keeps malfunctioning which puts me in a pissy mood while I am trying to get my run on. Whoever thought to put the controls on the earphone itself is a moron(I'm just saying)! I need to find water resistant earphones quick. I still intend on running the Ukrops Monument 10k race in May. I have a lot of time to get myself ready but I just miss the feeling I used to get lacing up. I think I'm in need of motivation. I might also need a partner but I hesitate to add someone else into my regimen because it might slow me down.
I plan to get out of this funk by Tuesday(the next time I workout). I have a nice little massage scheduled for tomorrow and after that I will catch up on rest. Grocery shopping will also take place this week so I can get some good old healthy eating in. Gonna get the boat back in the sea!
These nincompoops! The girl driving is actual excited to see cops come at her with guns and cameras because "they gon' be on tv". Why in the hell would you think someone would leave their doors unlocked with their keys inside a car?! It reeks of setup to me but then I have always been a thinkin' woman!
Whatever happened to standing by the Chief? The President is supposed to be the highest office in the land. When George W. Bush made a mockery of the position for 8 years I never once heard a Congressman disrespect him to his face. I have had to watch numerous press conferences and speeches and I have not heard a peep out of anyone during. Today marked a low point in the ever descending political climate since President Obama took office. During his speech on healthcare reform a republican congressman, nasty Joe Wilson, actually shouted at the president. THE PRESIDENT!!! I was in utter disbelief because I know for a fact that it would have never happened if the president had been anyone else. How dare he disrespect my president and at the same time make a mockery of the highest office in the land! He ought to be ashamed of himself for not having any dignity whatsoever. I feel sorry for the citizens of South Carolina that have him for a representative. Our elected officials are supposed to serve as models for appropriate behave(big SUPPOSED), particularly in the political realm. Who should the citizens of SC look up to? How about their next congressman after this son of a gun is given the boot!
A couple of months ago a guy that I went to elementary school with passed away. He didn't die in the usual way that most young men in the area die. He was riding his motorcycle on the interstate and crashed it into a car. There were allegations that he was driving wrecklessly, much like the men in the video. He was a biker boy. As you can see those guys get a thrill from chancing their life. I have been on the highway at home many times and gotten the buhjebus scared out of me as a crew of motorcycle rides sped past me. They drive at illegal speeds regularly. I was sad to hear of my childhood friend passing but even more sad to hear that his death could actually have been avoided. I think it is unfortunate that so many young men take pleasure in Blasting around the Beltway. People are dying senselessly and there is no one to blame but themselves. It is just pure tragedy.
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I feel like a bum. I'm still kind of sick and I have not exercised for about 5 days now. I was serious when I pledged myself to my fitness routine. I got sick in the beginning of last week. I was stuffy, sneezy, and I hurt. I thought I had caught the swine flu that had been going around.I am uber paranoid so I read numerous articles on it just to be sure I knew every possible symptom but lucky for me none came up. I have really changed my life since then. I wash my hands every 30 minutes, sanitize, and I NEVER touch my face. I'm uninsured and can't risk getting a life threatening illness. So since I'm not on the verge of death I can't find a reason not to get my butt in the gym tomorrow. I'm longing for it. Hopefully it hasn't been too long. I'm just going to run for the rest of the week. Nest week I will restart the regimen. My running shoes miss me!
So what! I don't understand why people are so surprised by her actions. We have seen female celebs do it all the time. From Britney Spears to Mariah Carey. Most women in the industry start off as sweet hometown girls and when their careers seem to stalement or when they want a little more attention they sex it up. Most teen celebs get sexy at her age ie...
I am not at all surprised that she has taken this turn. She is probably looking to extend her career past Disney.There are more teen stars out there that are positive role models for the CHILDREN that admire them. Why can't the focus be on them instead of the young harlots? I just get sick of hearing of wtf Miley Cyrus is doing or Jamie Lynn Spears and her baby or Vanessa Hudgens naked pics. Maybe if the focus was on positivity little girls wouldn't think that sexy=grown up.