Last week I made the decision to cancel my cell phone. I intended on starting a new plan with a new company. I thought at least I would have my Internet while I didn't have a phone. I had the Internet alright but no computer(long story, but know that I am a spazz). I was alright the first day off the grid. I cleaned my house, watched tv, worked out, and did my hair. Very productive for one day. But when I had to enter the real world it hit me like a ton of bricks! I was alone out in the world. All I had was an old phone just in case I needed to call 911.
It's a weird feeling to not have a cell phone in this day in age. I felt extremely disconnected and vulnerable. I'm already paranoid but I couldn't help thinking about the what ifs. Crime is high in the city. What if l fell victim to some kind of misfortune, how would I notify my friends and family?! The thought was overwhelming. It's crazy that things like that constantly ran through my mind.
I also wondered what all I was missing. I'm sure people were still texting me despite my various tweets and facebook statuses. Sometimes I felt like I might go crazy from the lack of communication. It was such a drastic change for me.
I don't think that I could do it again unless I absolutely have to. It seems I have become dependent to technology. So sad, but true.
Iced White Chocolate Mocha
5 days ago