A couple of weeks ago I bought into the hype and purchased a couple Four Lokos for my friend and I to sample. I only bought 3 because I didn't want things to get too out of hand. All I kept reading was how dangerous the drink was because someone had died drinking it. We split each can in half. I must say, although it accomplished the task of making me tipsy, I never felt drunk. I drank one and a half cans. I did however feel my heart beating fast as all get out! I was fully awake at 6 am and I had no control of that.
Even though I made I out alive, I don't think I will be partaking in anymore Four Loko nights. I woke up after only 4 hours of sleep feeling like crap! My stomach kept turning and my head was pounding. That is absolutely no way to live a life! I'm all in favor of them taking it off the market and fixing it. I still don't understand how someone dies from drinking a $3 drink. Any drinking is best done in moderation. When people understand that little message the colleges of the world will be a better place.
Iced White Chocolate Mocha
5 days ago