In all my 24 years I have never spent a holiday away from my mother. Not even college stopped me from going home. Well this year we had a death in our family. The majority of the family resides in Minnesota so I had a decision to make. I could either use all my spare cash to pay my way across the country or I could spend the holiday with my cousin and her kids in Maryland. I just couldn't conceive of not being with my mom for the holiday so I decided to stay in Richmond and work. I was fine with my decision until the day before. That's when it hit me that I wouldn't even get to see my family for the holiday. I have to admit I was a little depressed. I felt the urge to cry all Thanksgiving eve.
On the day of Thanksgiving I woke up early and did absolutely nothing. I didn't even eat breakfast! I went to work and one of the girls I know promised to send me a plate. It was such a nice gesture. That was my 1st thanksgiving meal. It was delicious. It wasn't the Liberian style cooking I'm used to but it was yummy. I got a second plate later that was yummy as well. I was so thankful for the people that sympathized with my predicament and saw that I had homecooked meals for the holiday. I was also thankful that I didn't cry not once when I thought about my mom being halfway across country. All in all the day wasn't that bad.
Iced White Chocolate Mocha
5 days ago