I used to be an avid viewer of the Nancy Grace show. Every night at 8pm eastern time I was tuned in. I loved her no-nonsense attitude. Too often it seems like women get taken for meek little sheep. But Nancy was different. That was until she had a set of kids. She took a nice little maternity leave because her kids were born premature. When she returned it seemed like she had lost something. She seemed softer. I'm not saying that my discontent stemmed from the birth of her children. In fact, I was happy for her. I even took the time to go to her website and look at pics of the nursery and such. I congratulated her. Her first couple of episodes were alright. And then...thats when it happened! What happen you might ask? Caylee Anthony. Every minute of the show covered the bizarre case. It went way past the standard amount of coverage I have ever seen for a missing child. After about a week of coverage it was clear to me that the childs mother had probably killed her in attempt to regain her social freedom. Nancy couldnt see it though. She pleaded for Caylees safe return. She pleaded for an entire year! The only break in coverage that I observed was for the murder of Jennifer Hudsons' family. How kind of her! Afterwhich she returned to covering the Caylee Anthony case. I was just over it. Not to sound insensitive but little kids turn up missing all the time. I dont see the good of only covering one case. A lot of mothers that actually wanted their children back home with them could have used that airtime to plead their cases and get their childs' image out to the public.
On June 29th I decided to see if Nancy was over her Caylee stage. She was! On the show she was covering the death of Michael Jackson. She had on a panel of guests. One of which was Brian Oxman, Jackson family lawyer. The show failed to mention that this man had little to no contact with Michael Jackson. He was actually the divorce lawyer for Jackson's brother Randy. Another discrepancy was the breaking news that the LAPD investigators had found 2 bags of drugs, when in actuality it was just 2 bags of evidence, not necessarily drugs. My last gripe and the straw that broke the camels back was when Nancy announced that custody of MJ's children was temporarily granted to his mother 79 year old Kathryn Jackson. Nancy could not fathom the idea that this woman who had raised 9 children would be fit to raise 3 more, simply because of her age. Obviously she does not know the strength of a black woman. For centuried families have been headed by women. In many families the woman is a grandmother. That fact does not make her any less competent to raise children. Nancy continually berated the idea. She then tried to turn her attention to the fact that Joe Jackson would also be in the home. Asking one viewer that called in if she knew of Joe's history of abuse. She claimed that since Kathryn did nothing then that she would probably not do anything to stop the abuse of her grandchildren.
I find the level of contempt in Nancy's voice extremely disgusting. She has placed judgement on the family without knowing all the facts; a huge err on the part of the former prosecutor. I can no longer even consider watching this show. I once admired her views on many issues, but I can not stand by this one. Her priorities no longer correspond to mine and because of that I am now an Ex-fan of Nancy Grace.